Transform Node

Transform node allows you to transform data in the action flow using plain JavaScript.

  1. To start, place the Transform node into your action flow.

  2. In the Inspector, find the Source Code property. This is where you can put your JavaScript code. Please, don't switch to fx in this case. The JS code is entered as plain text. If you switch to fx, it means you define the source code with an expression.

  3. If you want to use the Transform's output in other flow nodes, don't forget to configure the node's ID (variable name).

Your JavaScript code is executed in the sandboxed environment. This means you have no access to the browser or Node.js APIs. But you can use simple built-in functions like bota, atob, encodeURIComponent and so on.

Accessing Flow Variables

Because you are writing a JavaScript and not an Adapptio expression, you have to reference flow variables differently. There is a global variable $ (dollar sign) which contains all flow variables as properties.



Real-world Example

This example demonstrates how to group a list of invoices by subject and calculate the aggregated sum of invoiced amounts for each of them.

/* Data structure of invoices:
        id: 1,
        your_name: "My Company",
        your_street: "Street 123",
        your_city: "Prague",
        your_country: "CZ",
        client_name: "Client Company",
        client_street: "Street 456",
        client_city: "London",
        client_country: "UK",
        subject_id: 1, // Unique ID of client
        total: 24350,
const invoices = $;

// Let's create a map of Subject (customer) -> { info, total amount }
const subjects = new Map();

// Iterate through all invoices
for (let i = 0; i < invoices.length; i++) {
    const invoice = invoices[i];

    // If the subject (customer) does not exist in the map, create it
    if (!subjects.has(invoice.subject_id)) {
        subjects.set(invoice.subject_id, {
            // Store info about the subject
            subject_id: invoice.subject_id,
            name: invoice.client_name,
            street: invoice.client_street,
            city: invoice.client_city,
            client_country: invoice.client_country,
            // Prepare the total amount counter
            total: 0

    // Add invoice amount to the subject
    const subject = subjects.get(invoice.subject_id); += parseFloat(;

// Return subjects as an array so we can work with them in UI more easily (like displaying them in a table)
return Array.from(subjects.values());

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