Best Practices
Project Structure
Create assets, views, actions and integrations in the proper folder. It helps you to orient in your project.
To reuse the same content, create a View and embed it as a widget using View component.
Resource Naming
We recomend to use PascalCase style with dots.
Integration - name it as type.description
Action - start with a verb describing purpose of the action.
View - name should represent a page content.
Variable Naming
Use noun related to the data that the variable contains. We recommend to use camelCase style.
Component Naming
We recommend to start each name of any component with three abbreviation letter and continue with component description with camelCase style:
container - cnt
box - box
sidebar - sdb
app header - hdr
advanced table - adt
data table - dtb
pagination - pgn
text - txt
label - lbl
icon - icn
image - img
all fields - fld
button - btn
menu button - mnb
property item - pri
repeat - rpt
routes - rts
one of - onf
qr code - qrc
composed chart - cmc
view - view
Last updated
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